16. A new covenant (17:1-14)

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A new covenant


1 WHEN Abram was ninety-nine years old, Our Lord appeared to him and said to him:

—I am El-Shaday,
walk in my way,
be righteous!

2 I will establish my agreement
between me and you,
I will make you become many.

Abram knelt. God spoke to him, he said:

—This is my agreement with you:
You are to be the father of many peoples.

5 No longer will your name be Abram.
You shall be called Abraham
because I am making you
the father of many peoples.

6 I will make you very fruitful,
I will turn you into many peoples,
rulers will issue from you.

7 I shall establish my agreement
between me and you
and with your children after you.

This is an agreement for always
that I will be your God
and that of your children after you;

8 to you I shall give
and to your children after you
the land where you are,

all the land of Canaan
will be yours forever
and I shall be its God.

9 He told him:

As for you, keep my agreement
and likewise your children after you.

10 You are all to keep this my agreement
between me and all of you
and your children after you:
you are to circumcise all the males.

11 Cut around the flesh of your foreskins
it will be a sign to acknowledge
the agreement between me and all of you.

12 When they are eight days old
let all the males be circumcised:
the same those born in your houses
as those bought for money
from someone from a foreign land
who does not have your seed.

13 All should be circumcised
those born in your home
and those bought for money,
and my agreement will be
in your flesh forever.

14 An uncircumcised male
with the flesh of his foreskin
such a one will not be counted among his brethren;
he has broken my agreement.

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