2: Paradise lost (2:4b - 3:24)

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Adam and Hava

WHEN Our Lord God began to make
land and sky
5 there was neither a single tree yet
nor any grass sprouted on the earth
for Our Lord God had caused no rain
to fall upon the land
and there were no people to tend a field
6 and mist rose from the earth
watering the world

7 then Our Lord God made
Man with clay from the earth
blew living breath into his nostrils
and the Man came to life

8 Our Lord God planted a garden
in Eden, towards the East
there he put the Man he made

9 Our Lord God caused trees
to sprout on the land
that were good to look at and for eating
and the living tree in the middle of the garden
and the tree for knowing good and not good

10 a river sprang forth in Eden
to water the garden
there it split up
becoming four streams
11 one called Pishon
which goes round Havila
the land where gold is found
12 and the gold of that land is good
and that’s where the bedolach is and the shoham stone
13 another stream is called Gihon
which goes all around Cush
14 and the third is called Hidekel
that one passes east of Ashur
and the fourth is the Euphrates

15 then Our Lord God took the man
and put him in the garden of Eden
to work and tend to it
16 Our Lord God commanded the man:
from all the trees of the garden,
he told him, you may eat
17 and the tree for knowing good and not good
do not eat from it
for if you do you’re going to die

18 then said Our Lord God:
it isn’t good for the man to be alone
I will make company for him

19 Our Lord God made from the earth
all the wild animals of the forest
all the flying things of the air
and brought them in front of the man
to see what he called them
and whatever he called the animals
that was their name
20 the man gave names
to all the animals
the flying things of the air
and all the wild beasts of the forest
and for the man he did not find
a companion

21 Our Lord God cast
sleep over the Man
and he slept and he took a rib
and closed the flesh where it was
22 Our Lord God shaped
the rib he had taken from the man
into a woman
and brought her in front of the man

23 said the man: this time indeed
the bone is my bone, the flesh is my flesh
this one shall be called woman
for she was taken from man
24 therefore a man leaves
his father and mother
and attaches himself to his wife
and they become a single flesh

25 the two of them were naked
the man and his wife
and they felt no shame


1 the snake was a wise one
of all the animals
that Our Lord God made
and it said to the woman:
so God has said
you should not eat
anything from the trees of the garden?
2 said the woman to the snake:
the fruit of the trees of the garden
we are allowed to eat
3 only the fruit of the tree
that’s in the middle of the garden
God said: don’t eat it
and do not touch it
or else you shall die
4 said the snake to the woman:
you’re not going to die
5 rather, God knows
that the day when you eat it
you’ll open your eyes already
and become like God
knowing good and not good

6 the woman saw the tree
was good for eating its fruit
and was beautiful to look at
and good for becoming knowledgeable
she took its fruit and ate
and gave it to her husband too
and he ate
7 and they both opened their eyes
they realised that they were naked
they sewed leaves of the amat tree
they made loincloths to wear

8 they heard Our Lord God
strolling in the garden when the breeze came
the man and his wife hid
from Our Lord God
among the trees of the beautiful garden
9 Our Lord God called out
to the man, saying: where are you?
10 he said: I heard you in the garden
and I was frightened because I’m naked,
he said, and I hid
11 he said: who has let you know,
he said, that you are naked?
maybe you’ve eaten
the fruit of the tree
I ordered you not to?
12 said the man: the woman
that you put with me,
he said, she gave me
the tree’s fruit and I ate
13 said Our Lord God to the woman:
what did you do?
said the woman:
the snake tricked me and I ate

14 said Our Lord God to the snake:
because you did this
shame on you among all the animals
and everything that lives in the forest
on your belly you shall move
and clay will you eat forever
15 hatred I shall put
between you and woman
and between your children and her children
they will crush your head
and you shall bite at their feet

16 and this is what he said to the woman:
I will make your sorrow so great
and when you bear children
you will suffer great pain
your desire will be for your husband
and he will wield authority over you

17 and this is what he said to the man:
because you obeyed your wife
and ate the fruit of the tree
that I ordered you and said:
do not eat it, he told him,
the land will be tough to till
you will eat with sorrow
each day while you live
18 thorns and weeds will sprout for you
you shall eat grass from the earth
19 your forehead will sweat greatly
to eat your tortilla
until you return to the ground
for from the earth you were taken
because you are clay
and clay will you turn into again

20 he named his wife Hava
she became mother to everyone
21 and Our Lord God made for the man and his wife
garments of skin
and clothed them
22 and Our Lord God said:
now mankind has already become
like one of us knowing good and not good
and now so he won’t reach his hand out
and also take the fruit of the living tree
and eat it and live forever
23 so Our Lord God expelled him
from the beautiful garden of Eden
and commanded him to work
on the land from which he had been taken
24 he chased the man away
and he placed to the east of the beautiful garden of Eden
the Kerubim with the sword
that glitters and turns
guarding the way to the living tree

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