3: First brothers (4:1-26)

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Kain and Habel


1 Adam slept with his wife Hava
she got pregnant, she gave birth to Kain
and Hava said: I have received
a man from God
2 again she gave birth to his brother Habel
Habel cared for the flock
and Kain worked the field

3 the days passed, Kain brought
fruit of the field to offer Our Lord
4 Habel also brought his gift
lambs of the flock and their fat
Our Lord looked at Habel and his gift
5 and Kain and his gift he did not see
Kain was very angry, his face fell

6 said Our Lord to Kain: why are you angry
why has your face fallen?
7 surely you shan’t be taken
if you do what is right?
and if you do not do what is right
at the entrance of the house awaits the not-good
desiring you, and you will give the order

8 Kain told his brother Habel
and when they were in the forest
Kain rose, went to Habel
and killed him

9 Our Lord said to Kain:
where is your brother Habel?
he said: I don’t know
am I my brother’s carer?
10 he said: what have you done?
I can hear your brother’s blood
screaming to me from the field

11 now, shame on you
the land has opened its mouth
to receive your brother’s blood
through your hand, and on it
12 you will work and it shall no longer produce for you
and you will move far away
wandering around the world

13 said Kain to Our Lord:
so heavy is my load
that it cannot be borne

14 on this day you have chased me off
from my land you have expelled me
I will hide away out of your sight

I shall travel far away
to wander around the world
and anyone who sees me will kill me

15 said Our Lord: in that case
anyone who kills you
will suffer vengeance sevenfold

and Our Lord put on Kain
an identifying sign
so that whoever would meet him should not strike him

16 and Kain went far from Our Lord
to reside in the land called Nod
east of Eden

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